Circle F Cattle Company
Ozark Fisheries is a 4th generation family owned and operated ornamental fish farm as well as running a cow/calf operation called Circle F Cattle. Ozark Fisheries originally acquired land surrounding the six springs on our farm in order to protect the watershed supplying water to the springs. Years later water tests and improved science revealed that the watershed comes from over 30 miles away.
The land was originally mostly timber and of very little productive use. A slow deliberate process of converting excess land into pasture was pursued and Circle F Cattle Company was founded in 1970. The name was created by taking the O and F of Ozark Fisheries to make our Circle F brand.
Circle F Cattle Company strives to produce the finest Black Angus feeder cattle. We strive to breed Black Angus cattle that offer structural soundness and other necessary assets such as fertility, calving ease, longevity, growth, and a calm nature. Circle F Cattle Company have been able to breed some of the best cattle available in south-central Missouri.